Sibling baby shower & birthday

Betty 🍝 • My value lies in my rarity. One of a kind. Limited. 💤 Wife. Honey🐝 & June🐛 Mommy. Abba's Daughter.

So my daughter is turning 5 a few week before baby is born. She's excited to be a big sis. Daddy and I discusses throwinf her a big birthday party and we also want to host a baby shower.

The idea came up to do a Big Sister Baby Shower and Birthday Tea Party; bow ties (if a boy) and tutus. So big sister gets birthday gifts and baby gets gifts too. The colors are Red and Yellow. The deco would say happy birthday and congrats big sister

What are your thoughts on this? Would I be taking away from big sister or baby? Is this a good idea? What are your thoughts. Im due in June, daughter's bday is mid May.