Hurt for my bf

Hannah • Fur mamma. Heathen.

His dad molested a child on their street while he was watching her. Some poor little girl. She told her parents and before they could take him to jail he killed himself when my bf was 7. His mom then got fired and became a heavy alcoholic. She was always drunk morning or night. When my bf turned 14 his grandparents died and left him and his brother with seperate trust funds. $200,000 each. His brother was 33 at the time and he was left in charge of the funds because their mother clearly wasn't capable. While my bf was in highschool his brother allowed him to take out about half of my bf's money to pay for rent and bills throughout highschool because his mom wasn't providing for him. And apparently the rest of his trust fund is locked away until he turns 24. Well my bf is 21 now and turns out that his brother spent ALL of his money that was supposedly "locked away" all these years on the nice corner house he bought in a rich fucking neighborhood. The SAME HOUSE that he charged my bf 400 dollars a month for him to crash there during college.


My bf has struggled financially because of his bum mom and fucked up family. Even though he has a job he can only afford one pair of shoes, shitty meals, etc. I always pay on our dates and my parents try to help out in whatever ways they can. But he always had a light at the end of the tunnel because of that hundred grand "locked away". Now he has nothing. And that asshole had the nerve to charge his own brother rent in a house that he technically paid for! He's looking into pro Bono lawyers to get his money back but it's been really hard on him. Through all of this he feels bad for his scum brother. Idk how to help him through all of this. He seems pretty hesitant to go through with the lawyer.