Advice needed from a Mummy

Hi girls - so my name is Louise I'm 29 from UK and this is my first month TTC. I very naively thought it would happen first time and I would have conceived a Christmas miracle. 
AF is due Saturday 7th January, this is currently 5th January, I've tested this morning (and every day this week) not even signs of a faint line. 
For those of you who have been through this before - has anyone ever tested BFN this close to AF and actually been pregnant 🤰🏽?! I'm trying to hold onto hope that she won't show up on Saturday and that it actually might have still happened? 
I'm trying to remain positive with no negative self talk and also to use the law of attraction to convince the universe it's my time & that there is a baby in there for me... regardless of what the tests say? Advice please?