losing everything- help!

I seriously don't know why but I keep losing everything. 
First i was at work and was asked to take off my rings. I had do other option but to put them in my back pocket of my skinny jeans. After about half an hour I went to put them back on, one was missing. It was a pandora ring my brother bought me for my 16th birthday only a month or so before I lost it. 
Then another time before work I placed my ring my mum gave me which was hers in my room or pouch in my bag (can't remember) and now I can't find it 
On Christmas <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">Eve</a> (just passed) I was given earrings from my boyfriends mum. We went to the city and i bloody lost them. The whole bag. Before I even got to wear them!
And the other day I had my rings in my back pocket of my purse (cos of work ) and I went to take them out and put them on... another ring was missing. It was a ring my brother bought me for Christmas 2015
I feel horrible I keep losing all these things. 
Is it a sign of some sort? 
I haven't lost anything my boyfriend got me but I've lost stuff my family has given me. 
I feel like I'm cursed or some shit. And I don't know how to tell my mum I lost the ring she gave me and the second ring my brother got me.