I think I might just have the stomach flu

Last week I took a pregnancy test and it was negative. I admit I may have taken it to early. Well I've still been feeling off. This past weekend I had really bad heartburn. It was so bad I threw up. I would also be ice cold one minute and boiling hot the next. Now last night, I woke up twice feeling really hot. I threw up both times. I also haven't had much of an appetite lately, so I haven't been eating a lot. It was kinda funny yesterday before I left work I was starving but when I got home and looked at my dinner I didn't want to eat. 
I don't know if my thinking this could be the stomach flu is my way of accepting the negative pregnancy test or what. I know it doesn't explain the weird dreams (which seem to have stopped), the fact that it seems I can smell everything now (I always had trouble smelling stuff in the past), or the fact that I've getting irritated very easy. For the whole week everything and everyone seems to get me upset and I don't know why. Part of me is still thinking about taking another test but I'm not sure. I don't know if I can handle another negative. I wasn't trying to conceive, but this would be a happy accident.