Stop Taxing My Period

Hey lovely ladies. Did you know that over your life time you will menstruate for an average of 6.5 years! That means 6.5 year of pain 😣. But how much does that cost? On average, you will spend around $1,500 on panadol/ibuprofen, $2000 on tampons, $500 on panty liners, $2,500 on new underwear due to bleeding through, $1000 on snacks (chocolate, etc), $500 on acne medication/cleansers and $11,500 on birth control. 
Right now thats just a bunch of numbers, yeah? Well thats a total cost of around $20,000, on average. That total does not include high end products that you prefer over the supermarket brands (or your netflix subscription). 
$2000 of that total is tax, in more common terms, the 'pink tax'. 
By law, femenine hygene products are considered 'luxury items' and 'are not required' so therefore must be taxed, apparently. Even though we never asked for this 'luxury', we still have to pay up!
But, there is something you can all do. Go to the Stop Taxing My Period petition and sign it. It fast, easy, and you dont have to put down your phone to do so. Its on and only requires you name, email, number and postcode (this is to send you thank you messages and updates). 
Please tell all of your girlfriends to do the same.
Thank you! 👍🏼😀