School teacher problems

So two days ago I was in my marine science class and the whole class was doing a worksheet. The teacher only had 4 papers so we had to work in groups. I didn't get like 4 questions on the worksheet and she calls on me to answer one of the questions that I didn't know. I told her I didn't get that question. She's like OKAY with a rude tone. Another kid called out the answer and she got mad at him. He apologized and the teacher said don't apologize for being smart. The teacher then looks at me for like 3 secs and looks back at her paper and says HOW CAN YOU NOT KNOW THE ANSWER TO THAT QUESTION?! IT'S COMMON SENSE with a mean expression in front of the whole class. She basically called me a dumbass but she physically didn't say it but from the statement she said she clearly was calling me dumb. I know this teacher really well because she was my bio teach in 10th grade. I used to help her grade papers till 12th grade in like September because we had an argument. A couple of students were saying stuff about her only saying she can't teach. I went off on them because they didn't know what she was going through in life. I had a connection with her. She was like a mother figure to me. She knew what I was going through in life and I knew what she was going through life. Anyway I told her one day and obvious she got mad. She cried too. I felt bad so I tried to give her a hug. She's then like no, stop. You're the reason why I'm mad and you're the reason why I'm sad. Then starts saying I'm a liar, mean, bully, I think you should switch out of my class. I tried telling her that I was looking out for her. And it came from the heart. Personally she was more of a friend to me than a teacher. Anyway she emailed me a few days later saying I feel badly about what happened recently. And idk why I apologized to her for telling her the truth when she said all of those hurtful things to me. Anyway it's been awkward af between us. Whenever when we would see each other in the hallways we would looks at each other but not say hi. There would be a time where she sees and looks at me but then looks down and walks away. Idk what to do anymore I already apologized to her like 3 times. She's being so immature. She's 24 and is acting like a child. Ps im a senior in his. Anyone have any advice for me on what should I do? Also I always feel guilty now that this argument even happened. I feel like I blew her self esteem and it's mainly my fault but I was looking out for her and went off on those students.