Early Labor?

So last night I got hardly any sleep. I was up all night with low back pain and diarrhea (TMI sorry 😐). Today I've had contractions on and off every 10 minutes or so that feel different from BH (harder and now extending into my low back). Around 2:00 we went to run some errands and the contractions started picking up a bit to every 5-7 minutes and lasting 1-2 minutes. I also have started losing my mucus plug today, which I hadn't noticed before today. I'm so frustrated because the contractions don't seem to be worsening or getting closer together. I feel like if I went to the hospital they'd send me home. Does this sound like real early labor?? Did anyone else start out like this? I've been going on 8 hours now with the contractions 5-7 minutes apart and lasting 1-2 minutes. I can't sleep. They're uncomfortable/ painful enough that they wake me. But I just feel like they aren't painful enough to warrant going in... 
Forgot to mention I am 39 weeks, due on Monday.