im probably gonna get a lot of shit for this but...

KJM • Hospitality Industry Professional, Mom of One, Still Figuring Out Life

I don't see a problem with a SO watching porn or masturbating. A lot of you i have seen find this extremely unfaithful & cruel behavior when it's healthy & normal. I would consider you prohibiting their behavior mental abuse

EDIT: if the couple comes to the conclusion together that's fine but to take the initiative to control & prohibit natural behavior has aspects of abuse 
[EDIT BY GLOW: The admins are getting really bored of deleting the equivalent of "I know you are, but what am I" comments, so please consider this note the equivalent of "don't make us turn this car around." Keep your comments civil and about the topic at hand, rather than making personal attacks or bickering with others, or we're going to start handing out time-outs just to make our lives easier. ]