really upset with how husband acted during labor

My baby is two days old. I got induced exactly a week after my due date. I started active labor around 4 in the afternoon. My husband went to sleep at 7pm and refused to wake up or be supportive in anyway until I started pushing at 530am. Our daughter was born at 552am. After she was born and we went to recovery he said he was going back to sleep because he's exhausted because he had a "broken" nights sleep. We have a 1 year old son also and his aunt ended up being my labor and delivery nurse so he stayed awake but barely made it back for my sons birth because he was out getting food. The kicker is he doesn't get why I'm upset at all. He keeps telling me I'm being ridiculous because he needed sleep and I said well I didn't and he said well that's because you wee in excruciating pain, I wasn't. He told me all husbands fall asleep if the birth occurs over night. Im so upset and feel like my birth experience was ruined. I had no one for support what so ever and was alone most of the time. Would you be upset? Or am I over reacting?