Pregnant with twins and stress everywhere I go! At work and at home.

nicole • Have beautiful rainbow baby identical twin girls 🎀
Sorry for the long post,
The worst part is that I can't avoid it. 
At work - My older brother is my manager and he's such an asshole. He treats me differently than everyone else at work. I've been there for 4 years and not once has he said good job or thank you. He will always point out little things I do wrong and yell and swear at me. And every since I told him I was pregnant it's like he's trying to look for reasons to give me shit. He yelled at me the other day because I throw out paper that I'm finished writing notes on, like he snapped. Told me that I have to do what I'm told and he'll fire me if I don't. Told me when he becomes the owner that he will fire me. I told him I don't like the way he treats me and the way he swears at me and asked him to stop. His response "I can fucking do what I want, I'm the boss of you" so I raised my voice at him and told him to stop and then he said he's giving me a written warning. He's always on his high horse and does what he wants because he knows there's nothing I can do! It's SO stressful everyday at work with him. 
At home - my husband and I (and his daughter every other weekend) live with my other brother at the moment. He told us he would move out a year ago and he hasn't. Hubby and I got married instead of getting a house for ourselves because he said he would move out. He is beyond disrespectful it's driving me crazy! We're looking for a house because I can't stand him anymore and he clearly wasn't serious when he said he'd move out. We can't afford to because of the wedding but we don't have a choice! 
 Boxing Day we had my husbands family over for dinner and my brother walked in the house drunk and pissed off (apparently had a bad day) and randomly started screaming, like yelling at the top of his lungs at clay and I all because we told him to put his dog downstairs (my stepdaughter is allergic to his dog and he agreed when we had her over that the dog stays outside or downstairs) but he snapped out of no where in front of the family and he made my stepdaughter cry and shoved my husband in front of her and I asked him to stop because he made her cry and all he said was "I don't fucking care" ! Like what the hell kind of person are you?! 
And a couple weeks ago I caught him and his girlfriend smoking weed IN THE HOUSE! I snapped because they both know I'm pregnant and I don't need to be breathing that shit in. So he told my hubby that he wouldn't do that either. Yesterday I was in our theatre room watching a movie and I come out and the whole house wreaked of weed AGAIN! 
I'm sooooooo stressed out! And I'm worried that the stress is not good for my growing twins inside me but apparently neither of my douchebag brothers care! 
I feel like I just can't get away from it :(