Completely Emotional

AF was supposed to show up last week 12/29. She didn't show her head then... I've never been late, but then again I stopped taking BC about 5 months ago. I tested and got BFN.  Come Monday 1/1, I had some spotting, with that spotting I had one of the ugliest clots of who knows what it is come along with it. (Never google these things!).  I continued to spot off and on the rest of the week. Well... so come Thursday, I started AF majorly! 
My emotions have been worse than ever, and I can't seem to get them under control at all.  My heart is confused. I honestly feel like I know what that clot was, and after looking up everything I feel it in my heart that I know that it was an early miscarriage.... It's hard and my heart is broken. I want to be pregnant and start my family with my husband so bad. I know that it will happen when it's supposed to. I had a break down and my husband told me that no matter what happens we will have a baby, even if we end up adopting. I just want to know that I'm not alone in this. Has anyone ever felt like this?