Is it okay to break up with him during this time?

We're in a LDR. This guy is my first love. I do and will love him for the rest of my life, regardless of if that love, over the years, is pushed into the back of my heart. Love isn't the problem here.
For years, on and off, we have had a toxic relationship. He's cheated on the past, he's left me without reasoning and ignored me for months, he's never given me the same amount of effort I've given him. But, before you bash him in the comments, he has a good heart, he's just immature and I don't believe he's ready for this time of commitment as much as I believe he loves me.
He's had a 2016 full of grief. Two of his uncles died, his grandmother and most recently, less than half a week ago, his cousin. He isolates himselves in these kinds of situations and for months, I haven't heard back from him and when I did it was usually him treating me like shit. We had talked for the first time in month a couple days ago and we both basically have the same view, which is that we love each other and don't want to break up, but this isn't working out, not just because of this period of grief but because of our toxic relationship in general. I mean, he didn't even say, "merry Christmas." He then told me he'd text me he next day. I figured he wouldn't, but hoped he would. It's days later and I haven't heard from him. Keep in mind, he's on social media. 
I've been putting this off for so long and I had told him he had until the end of the week last week to talk to me or we would be broken up.
Now here I am, Monday and I haven't done anything. It's just so hard because I love him and this is the man I always believed I'd marry. I know that if I text him and ask him to call me, he most likely won't and I don't want to break up over text and not get a resppnse from him, but I'll probably have to. Also, I believe he is out of town with his recently passed cousins family. I honestly don't know what to do. I've played nice guy for so long and I've been so understanding in situations I shouldn't have been and now I don't know if I should wait or if I should do it. What do I do?