I don't know what to do

Little backstory:
Me and my boyfriend have known each other almost 3 years, started having a thing November 2015 and shit went downhill (I basically had to choose between him and another) and I chose him to be the one I was with in June. Before that omg he was with me all the time like don't get me wrong most girls would be annoyed but I loved it. I had no one for a long time during the last year apart from him. But now, I have to beg him to stay off his phone when we're out together, beg him to turn off the Xbox so we can sleep together and basically beg beg beg to feel a tiny bit special sometimes. I'm not complaining about all the time, like some days he makes me feel like his whole world... but now it's like I'm nothing. Bearing in mind he pushed all his mates away and when I told him to meet them again he said they hated him or it'd be awkward etc etc. He's in uni first year and stays there in the week and I'm in college we both work and it's unbelievably difficult for us to spend time together but now he's got Mondays off and says he wants to use them to see people. I feel like I'm being selfish bc i got upset bc i want to spend every free moment with him. It doesn't seem like he feels the same way. Even today he left the house and didn't even say goodbye to me, just locked the door and posted the keys. I love him so much but I'm scared he doesn't feel the same. Or you know I'm probably just being selfish and everything but I dunno I'm not good with emotions. I just don't know what to think do or feel. Don't get me wrong he's the loveliest person in the world but sometimes I don't know. His temper and the words he says when he's angry... I don't know. Any advice would be good even if it's people saying I'm being selfish or I need to sort myself out I probably need to hear it.