subchorinic hematoma

I had an episode of bright red bleeding through my pants last Thursday at 5 weeks.  I called my doctor and saw them that day and had an ultrasound. The ultrasound showed a large bleed, gestational sac, and yolk sac. No embryo yet, but likely too early to see. The ultrasound tech made it seem awful, but doctor and nurse have been more reassuring that this happens often and other women go on to have viable pregnancies. I had 3 serial beta HCG which look good: 5 weeks: 5,640, 5 weeks 2 days: 9584, 5 weeks 4 days: 15,990. I am reassured with the HCG numbers, but still worried. This is my 2nd pregnancy and my first I had no issues. 
I'm just wondering if anyone has a similar experience.