
If your bf starts acting very nice all of the sudden wouldn't you be concerned? Here are the bits and pieces.. We've been together for a year. We like each other but he still has feelings for his ex who he dated 2+ years ago. She cheated on my bf with one of his friends. (This is according to my bf) He googled her name recently. Based on my lurking skills she has a bf she's very happy with and who she lives with. But last spring my bf visited her and went to breakfast with her family. Sketchy. I was pissed and I wanted to break up but he told me he needs me. I stayed 🙄. He then over the summer adds other girls idk if he talks to them but they were sorority girls aka party girls. He still was with me he would work during the week full time and then I would visit him on the weekends. He says he doesn't use social media but he added those girls. I post more on Facebook and a guy I know comments and likes all my posts. My bf might see that and idk but I'm not going to hook up with this guy.. I go on Facebook and see that my bf was active 4hrs ago on the side chat. Doesn't that mean last time you talked to someone, liked/commented on a photo? If he does like photos they don't come up on my feed. Like "---- ------ liked this." It's weird. last time my bf visited for NYE he told me he doesn't want me talking to other guys. He wanted to have sex but I was hesitant because I had family over. So he made a comment like: "Well it sounds like someone else is filling the holes around here" and I'm like wtf?? I wonder if he's projecting his behavior that he is cheating onto me? I make jokes about him fucking other bitches and he says no. (We're on winter break for another week) He calls me every night and tells me he misses me and he gets all soft voice and calls me baby. He recently started saying I love you again too so he says that too. Idk what to believe. He makes a song that goes along to the 'we all need somebody to lean on' to we all need somebody to put it in the brown because we do anal. Like am I being used? His Facebook status is single, we never made it official. Mine is single too. Also btw his mom is trash, she thinks going to church will free all of her sins because she cheated on my bfs step father and is now using her new bf for his money. She had to get her tires fixed and her bf works for a company that sells tires. She went to drop off her car and my bf went downstairs and he told her bf to "not be afraid to jump on that bill" Obviously my bf isn't the one because he has family problems? I hate this because everyone says to break uo with him which will eventually happen but right now we are together and sometimes I feel safe and other times I cry a lot because he is special to me.