project ruby?

hi ladies!
so my boyfriend and i currently only use withdrawal. he doesn't like condoms and even though he'd wear them, we'd both prefer if he didn't. so he was pretty happy when i said i'd get on the pill! 
my only problem is that my parents would kick me out if they knew my bf and i were having sex, so going to the doctor is out and i don't want to take my insurance to planned parenthood because my mom will know and if not she'll probably open my mail and find out and it's just not worth the risk.
so it seems like project ruby is my knight in shining armor! and i have just a few questions for those who have used it. 
- is it the same birth control you get from your doctor, and if it's a little different, have you had any side effects?
- if the bc pill they choose for you gives you doesn't work well (like the side effects are too severe) is it easy to switch to a different one? 
- out of the bc pills they offer, are any "the best" or is it just going to depend on how it works for me? 
- do you like it? 
- $20 a month seems like a really good price, but i've never used bc before, so is this fair? 
and how long should i wait before having unprotected sex? my boyfriend and i are long distance, but we're fairly (lol or extremely) active when we're together. he just left, so i'm not going to see him until february 12th, and that's 4 1/2 weeks away. i should be good to go, right?
i've read that if you faithfully take your pill ever single day, bc is 99% effective and i just want to make sure.. a baby would kind of ruin my life right now haha maybe in six or seven years, but definitely not until i'm married
thanks so much ☺️💛