Anyone else on an IVF Cycle???

Kaitlin • Nurse and Nature Lover. Endo Warrior 💪🏼💛 Fibroid Tumours & Adenomyosis. TTC 3 years. Trying for a Rainbow Baby! 🌈 2x IVF 8x FET Zoladex and Beyond 🚀
I need someone to talk to!!! We have decided not to tell anyone about our <a href="">IVF</a> cycle after losing a baby last February. We just didn't want everyone asking us if 'it had happened' yet as infertility is hard enough! 
Anyway, long story short is i am currently on my first <a href="">IVF</a> cycle (on the synarel spray and starting injections on Friday). I am having an AWFUL time with side effects! My husband is very busy with a new job and I am lonely with no one to talk to about this. 
Is anyone going through this who would like to be a cycle buddy?! Or has anyone been through this who could offer some wisdom and advice??? I'm really needing the Sisterhood right now! 💕😔