Baby Nico birth story! 12/30/16


Baby Nico birth story! Baby Nico was born December 30, 2016 at 10:27pm. I was 40weeks 5days. I went in to get induced at 6 in the morning on the 30th. My nurse checked me and I was 3cm dilated and about 80 percent effaced. She said since I was already dilated at a 3 she didn't think I would need any medicated to ripen my cervix but had to check with my doctor first. My doctor decided to first break my water and then start the pitocin. My nurse said that I could get an epidural at any time. I decided to get the epidural right away because I had heard that getting your water broken was really painful. After my water was broken they started me on pitocin. About 2 in the afternoon they stopped the pitocin because my contractions were so close together and I was dilating really well on my own. I had to keep changing which side I was laying on and changing from being proped up to sitting up because my epidural kept wearing off in certain places. At about 9 that night my nurse told me I was at 9cm and that if I wanted to feel my contractions while pushing then I needed to stop pushing the button for more epidural. I didn't want to end up in a c section from being numb and not being able to push my baby out and stopped pushing the button. This is the only thing I regret about my labor. I started feeling my contractions and I was in the worst pain of my life for about an hour. I was hysterically crying through my contractions and almost broke my husband's hand off. I ended up kicking my dad out of the room before I even started pushing. My husband kicked his mom out the room because she peeked under my gown while I was mid contraction. Somewhere in that hour the anesthesiologist came back in and restarted my epidural because I couldn't take the pain. The next time the nurse checked me my epidural had kicked back in and I was at a 10 and ready to push. Even though I was completely numb I still managed to push out my baby boy in about 45 minutes. Surprisingly my husband held my leg and saw everything going on down south. We had previously said he would stay up by my head because he seriously gets lightheaded when they draw my blood hahaha. Anyways I was so happy baby was born 7lbs 11oz 19 1/2 inches long! Doctors had always told me my baby was measuring almost two weeks behind so I was relieved that he was actually born kinda on the bigger side. Post partum 12 days now I'm still not 100 percent because I did have a second degree tear. FTM so still adjusting to baby and his sleep schedule. He is so worth every moment of pain and I would do it a million times over. Sorry this is so long but I loved reading detailed birth stories when I was still pregnant.