Trying For My First

Ok, I want to start by saying I'm the kind of person to google pregnancy symptoms and think it's happening to me. But this "period" was weird. So I have some personal things I want to share and hear what you all think, and remember this is my first and I don't really know what to expect. 
This "period" was 2 days late, it was a little heavy at first but then it became lighter through out the first day. There have been times during this "period" that there was little to no blood in the tampon, I even went hours in between using tampons because I wasn't bleeding at all. My labia were extremely sore, almost like my husband and I had sex that was too rough, but we didn't. This is day 3 and my period ended. I am so incredibly bloated, and I do normally bloat but I can button my jeans on a "normal period". I have been having a lot of hot flashes and I am running a lot colder ( I already run cold, cold hands and feet, cold in general all the time) but now it's a lot worse. I have been feeling adverse to foods and randomly becoming nauseous through out a day. I normally have indigestion, but once again, it's a lot worse. My breasts aren't sore, but I have noticed a little darkening around my nipples and sometimes they feel really heavy. 
I don't want to take a test and have it be negative again, tests are pretty expensive(among other reasons) So, I would just like some input and support. Thank you.