Appreciation Post! (PIC OVERLOAD)

Gem • Mum to my daughter and angel baby + rainbow baby due July '24 ♡♡♡
I'm just posting in appreciation to a few things. Mostly to my boyfriend of almost 4yrs, he's amazing and has taken care of me with no complaints during my pregnancy, labour, unexpected c-section, trip up to Sydney (for a week) due to our daughter having respiratory distress.. I saw him sleep on the floor with no complaints, and cry with me when we didn't know if our baby was okay, he held my hand and walked with me to the NICU every 3hrs to attempt to feed our baby. He is seriously the amazing person and I love him to bits. There are no words. .. I also never loved my body when I was pregnant. I didn't like going up clothing and bra sizes every few weeks... but after I had my baby I fell in love with my body. I felt so amazing that I had grown such a beautiful baby. I have so much appreciation to my body and love all my stretch marks. I appreciate my family and their support (including my boyfriends family)... I appreciate all the nurses, the doctors, the helicopter pilots for safely flying my baby and her daddy to Sydney... it's been a rough journey but I'm so happy to be a mother to my amazing little Eva Mae and girlfriend to my loving boyfriend John 😍 it's not easy but it's worth it. I love my tiny family ❤❤❤