pregnant? or not I need help !!

So New Years me and my boyfriend had unprotected sex he had asked me that night if he could come inside of me that he would get me plan B and so I wanted to make love so I said yes . We had unprotected sex 2 days after that too later we try to go to all stores and pharmacies and they're out of plan B I swear we went to every store !! So now I'm 11 days late and the latest I've been was 12 days and I didn't think I would be pregnant because I was not on my fertile days I was Couple days away from getting my period . Plus my boyfriend smokes weed all day everyday so his sperm count is a little fucked up . And I'm so stressed out I refuse to take a pregnancy test I need yalls opinion ladies 😢 When could I take that test ? When is it right for me to take it