Sleep over meal?


My son has just discovered how to sleep for longer durations. He went from sleeping and waking up ever 2 hours and now he can sleep up to 4/5 hours. He is just shy of 3 months. It seems that's his favorite thing is sleeping now. ..

So I noticed he's not eating nearly as much as he used to because he sleeps through feedings. Feels like he's only eating half the amount, but I don't know for sure because I breastfed.

I don't know if I should worry about him eating enough or not. He was weighed yesterday and he grew a very good amount so the doctor thinks he's eating plenty.. But now I'm stuck with all this extra milk...

So my questions are: how is he eating less but gaining still? Should I pump out the extra milk or let my supply dwindle down a bit to keep from being engorged?