mother in law!! 😡

My mother In law has yet again started pissing me off, we live with her and I usually stay upstairs with my baby and she is so pushy she always says " don't you want to come down here and socialize " no I really don't. I've barely slept and they are always SO LOUD downstairs and my baby gets overwhelmed very easy, so anyway today she has company over and she says to me " Kim, why don't you bring Abby down and show her off " NO WOMAN! I don't know the people that are over, and RSV is running rampant right now and the lady she had over has a baby, and another time we were out and Abby was in the back and while I was in the store real quick and my mother in law and baby were in the car she let a complete stranger open the back door and look at MY BABY! Mother in law was standing right there but still! You don't do crap like that, especially since I wasn't around to consent! I'm so ready to just move out of this hell hole. And on top of that my sister in law and her children always keep my baby up, she lets them stay up all hours of the night even after she is asleep. I'm ready to just blow up at them all but i know that if I do it won't be good for me or my husband. First of February can't get here fast enough! That's when we are moving out. Anyway, am I over reacting?Â