Husband rant!


First off, my husband is a great dad and I know a lot of women don't have the support that I do. I'm extremely grateful for what I have.

That being said, I'm starting to feel like he doesn't take my concerns seriously unless he is put in the same situation.

Right after our son was born his car broke down so he took mine. I wasn't going anywhere with a newborn and he made sure to come home and drive us to all the doctor appointments. But after a few weeks he still hadn't done anything about his car. Since it needed to be towed to the shop my friend offered to drive me and the baby there. But he kept saying he would take care of it. During this time without a car I would text him the grocery list and any errands that needed to get done. It took him 3 months to get the car fixed. After I went back to work and he was home 1 day he apologized because now he understands what it must have been like to be without a car (the car seat doesn't fit into his 2 door that is always full of his work stuff). I appreciated the apology but it was still frustrating. Especially because he told me how resentful he was that I would ask him to get groceries and run errands when he just wanted to come home and be with the baby. Well if he would have fixed the damn car sooner I could have done those errands myself! 1 day vs 3 months!

I've been back at work for a month now and I have to wake up around 5:30am to get myself ready and feed the baby before I leave. Recently with the 4 month sleep regression the baby has been waking up around 4:30am to nurse and I don't make it back to sleep before it's time to get ready for work. Yesterday he had an early day at work and had to get up around 6:30am (he usually doesn't get up until 9) and the baby got up to nurse around 5:30. Now that this happened to him he is offering to get up and give the baby a bottle on the days I work.

I appreciate the effort he makes after he experiences what I'm going through, it just would be nice if he took my word for it.