32 hours of labor

Water starter leaking jan2nd at 10pm and followed with contractions about 5 min apart 30 to 90 sec long so I just got through it all night and finely at 4 in the morning I told my fiance I'm leaking and having contractions let's go ...got to the hospital and they said congratulations your water ruptured but your only dilated to a 2 so we are going to induce you so about 7 or 8 that morning they induced me the contractions were getting strong but I wasn't dilating the nurses wanted me to get some rest so they suggested I got an epidural and got rest so I agreed and I went to sleep about 5 pm that night they came in and said they needed to put me on oxygen and pump fluid into me because all my water was gone and it was making baby heart rate drop and guess what I was only at a 4 finely on the 4th they woke me up and told me they need to do a c section (I panicked!) During the c section I was having an anxiety attack so they put me to sleep for a short amount of time then finely my son was born Jan 4th 7:11 weighing 5 lbs and 7ounces measuring 19in long 💙💙 it was all worth it just wish I didn't have to have a c section