Cheyenne • 19, married, TTC #1

*Edit: our messages from today. He is with his mom at the hospital

I literally don't know what else to do. I just spent a week in the hospital with bacterial please and when I left, the house was in some disarray but not terrible. When I came home (Monday) the entire downstairs was trashed. We have a sick kitten and he has diarrhea and it was all over the carpets, at least three days old. None of the litter boxes had been done. We live with his parents because both of them are disabled. I'm still not 100% and it's already hard to breathe on top of my asthma. I asked him when I came home Monday and Tuesday to at least pick up the dining which was the worse. It's not Wednesday and it still hasn't been done. I just don't know what to do. I've done almost everything I could possible do. This is an almost everyday occurence. His father who has Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma from the Agent Orange, cardio myopathy and diabetes from the chemo, helps me clean more than he has. He's 21 and he acts like he is 13. He only works 3 days a week so there's no reason he can't help me on his days off. I take care of his father and mother when she isn't in the hospital which is a full time gig itself. Any ideas on what I can do?