dilated yet?

I'm about to whine...sorry!
36 weeks today and went in for my weekly check up.  Baby is still sitting high and haven't dilated at all so far.  Anyone else in this boat?  I know you can dilate over a series of weeks or over night...it varies by person...but gosh, I just can't imagine how miserable 40 weeks is going to feel when I'm this uncomfortable at 36 weeks.  My feet and ankles are in a constant state of swollen (not an issue other than being annoying as my blood pressure and everything is fine), and over this past week, my lady parts have started to swell, too.  Heartburn is under control but terrible if I don't take Zantac on time every day, and I only sleep a few hours each night at this point due to being so uncomfortable.  Fingers crossed that I will have started dilating by my next appointment!