How to thank an amazing husband/partner?

I need some input. I'm about 18 weeks with my first and my husband has just been amazing. I can't even put into words how great he's been. From housework to emotional support, he has been the kind of amazing partner that you only see in movies. He's a rugged farmer and we BOTH have very traditional views so housework is not something that is a typical job for him. But he's just stepped up without complaint. He works insane hours in the field and with the cattle, then comes home to work on my insane honey-do list. He's currently painting my kitchen cabinets because I started a remodel that was more than I could handle- while I'm sitting on the couch( I suck). Anyways, my question to you ladies is do you have any great ideas on how I can just take an evening to say thanks? The obvious would be a nice home cooked meal and "dessert" afterwards, but let's face it. I'm at a point in in my pregnancy where I don't really want to be touched sexually LOL. Any ideas on how we can thank our amazing hubbies/partners for all they're doing?!