How'd your follicles look before your IUI?

Briana • Boy Girl Twins Born July 2018 at 32 Weeks after TTC since June 2015. MFI and APA syndrome. Had 4 IUIs and IVF fresh transfer prior to FET (2 early miscarriages from IUI and fresh transfer)
Had my cd 10 ultrasound today (Wednesday) after using clomid cd 3-7. I have a right and left follicle that are both at 17mm. Trigger shot is tomorrow night at 11 and <a href="">IUI</a> is at 9am on Saturday. 
If you've had an <a href="">IUI</a>, I was wondering what your follicles measured and what your end result was (BFP or BFN)... please share your <a href="">iui</a> journey.