Moved and not sure what to do next

My husband and I have been TTC for 4 years with one miscarriage at about 12 weeks. The miscarriage took me from pretty normal cycles to very abnormal cycles and I've been monitoring with my OBGYN ever since. I've been on Letrizole for several months and labs confirm that my progesterone is finally within normal limits. Husband saw urologist and tested slightly low sperm motility. He also has epilepsy which can sometimes effect fertility. Just before the holidays we moved to a new state and now I'm not sure where to begin. I'm being told that I probably have to start over with a new OBGYN so I can get a referral to an specialist. My insurance now has a much higher deductible and does not cover "infertility". I feel like I've taken 5 steps backward... how can I get the ball rolling with all this again without it being some huge ordeal? I don't want to do <a href="">IVF</a>, etc. I just want difinitive closure on if we should keep trying or put our efforts into adoption instead. Does anyone have info or advice on next steps?
(29 yo, living in Indianapolis, IN now)