NICU for hypoglycemia

My little man was born this past Saturday (1.7) at 38.5 weeks. Was 8.13 and 21 inches long. Long story short we had to bring him to the hospital (we had a home birth) because his sugars were in the 20s when we got to the hospital they were closer to 10. So here we are going on day 5 of the NICU and I cannot believe how hard this is. Little man still won't maintain his sugar level and has jaundice pretty bad right now. I am thankful that so far this is all that is keeping him here, but can I say I have a love HATE relationship with the billi lights. Love them because they will help and hate because I can't hold my little one. I'm sure all of you can relate to the last part of that. I just needed to get some of it off my chest and to people who actually understand the feelings that come with having a babe in the NICU