confused and depressed

Yesterday while I was I was getting out of the shower I overheard my husband talking to his 13 yr old son on the phone he was basically telling him that he always had the phone on speaker phone so I could hear what he was saying so to watch what he said (bc he's made some very rude comments about my looks to my husband & I overheard) that I had overheard him making fun of me and that he hadn't said anything bc he didn't really care and he also did it on purpose at times to see if I'd say a thing but just a heads up for next time he'd give him a certain sentence they both agreed on so he'd remove him off speaker so I couldn't hear. He basically also told him he was looking for an excuse to kick me out of the house bc his kids came first..etc. I'm deeply hurt I walked back into the room and started packing my stuff when my husband hung up and saw what I was doing I confronted him and told him I overheard u and u don't need an excuse to kick me out I'll leave on my own and he's like I didn't mean that I just told him that u know I love you please don't leave me. His kids who love with there mom and stepdad in Colorado don't know we're married they think I just live here and am the babysitter in the summer due to a promise he made them long ago that he'd never get a gf or remarry when he got separated from their mother. This summer When his oldest daughter (12) asked him in a panic mode if it was true he was married he just laughed it off and said no baby Shes just crazy and  changed her last name to mine..I honestly don't know what to do?! My head hurts from overthinking everything and I can't get it out of my head I need other peoples opinions I don't want to turn to my family because if things do work out between us they're going to hold it against him... No mean comments please I don't need that right now! TIA