Potty training

Lisa • Mother of three. Had first child when 19. She had a heart defect and other birth defects but is doing great now. Then had cayden two and half years later and finally my baby boy Skylar 2 years later.
I have 2 and half year old son that showing all the signs of being ready to potty trained. He brings me a diaper and says mommy I peed or mommy I pooped so he knows when he is doing it, he takes off his own pants and diapers...but when we put him on his potty nothing happens we could sit there for half and hour and we will get done and ten minutes later pees in his diaper. Tried giving him games to play while on the potty and treats just can't get him to pee in the toilet. I have another comming in July be awesome to get him out of diapers by then...any suggestions?