gender anger

I haven't found out the gender of my kit yet (only 8w4d) and I won't until I hit 20w. 
Here's the deal, I don't give two shits what gender my kit pops out as. If it's happy and healthy, I'm good to go. I already have a 3yo daughter so if i get a son, cool hubby is happy. If I get a daughter again, cool toddler is happy.  I don't lean either way. 
But DAMN do people have opinions they love to share. I gotten at least 6 People saying that if it's a girl I HAVE to try again. How my husband NEEDS a son. I've had my SiL already start calling it her nephew. Two people asked if I got pregnant because I wasn't happy with my lil girl. I've had an older woman get offended when I said my husband gets two kids, if they arnt boys then too bad. Apparently it's my "duty" to give him a son to carry the family name. 
Who the f*ck?? Like seriously?? A son is not an end-all be-all for a happy family.  A boy is not the only way for my husband to be happy with this family dynamic.  I'm so damn sick of people practically demanding that I have a son. 
My children will be proud, strong, intelligent, and compassionate members of society. THAT is my parenting goal. Not to birth a specific gender.