Conrad was born at 39 weeks ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’™ Well it started on January 11th at about 1am, contractions were ...

Conrad was born at 39 weeks ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’™ย 
Well it started on January 11th at about 1am, contractions were about 7 minutes apart, kinda painful, not too bad. So me and my boyfriend decided to get down and dirty to see if that would help speed things along. Well it did, contractions got to 5 minutes apart and were tear worthy, so I went to the hospital and was 4cm dilated.ย 
My contractions slowed down so they sent me home, well while I was home I tried to sleep but kept getting woken up due to contractions. They were down to 2-3 minutes apart and I couldn't breathe through them, I also had a lot of cervical bleeding, so I waited for my boyfriend to get off work and we went back down to the hospital. I was now 6cm dilated and they decided to keep me!ย 
So I was admitted at about 6:30, they gave me my epidural at 7:30 and at that time I was at 8cm dilated. They came and broke my water and that got everything going. I got to 9.5 cm in no time, but since my epidural was working so good and I got no sleep I decided to rest a bit before pushing, well it's a good thing I did that because the contractions I was having helped his head travel further into my birth canal. So I start pushing at about 12:30, and he was born at 1:08am on January 12th ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’™