The one who can't take a hint …

Rated R cuz this shits just scary!!
Sooo this just happened … 
a guy has been trying to contact me again, and again, and oh yea … AGAIN!!! And he will NOT take no for an answer. He's never smiled without showing his teeth ((tho I have said a million times I bet he has an amazing smile, call me vain I think you're hiding something if you NEVER smile with your mouth open … ever … or laugh …)) and I'm not one to judge ((yet I'm here making a post)). When I responded to this photo with "whoa what kinda of face is this!?" Which he sent me after stating "okay 'baby girl' 😖😝 I'll send you my real smiling face!" He responded back with it's an app that does silly things to your face and mouth … is this really an app!? I mean, obvi, the face is not real but the teeth?? They just look too realistic to me 😰…