sex drive in the dumps help

Ever since I delivered my baby boy (8 months ago) my sex drive absolutely sucks. I'm on Zoloft & I have the nexoplanon so I'm pretty sure than has something to do with it. My husband and I have a wonderful relationship and he does a really good job making me feel like he still finds me attractive and what not (even tho I'm really hating my "new" body) he is also extremely hungry lately and normally (before baby) I'd love this since I'm the one with the higher sex drive but now sex is just a major chore. Even as we're going I just want it to be over. These last 8 months it was just the last thing on my mind but now it's the last thing I want. I'm actually irrationally irritated  when he asks or even flirts sexually. I don't show it of course because I don't want to hurt his feelings but I'm getting worse rather than better and I don't know how to fix it. Anyone know of any sex drive increasing tips? I really miss enjoying sex! 
(Please no porn recommendations or third party involvement)