Worst L&D story ( but worth the pain )

It's the worst L&D story ever....
Last Thursday DR stripped my membranes because baby's amniotic fluid was low and she wasn't gaining anymore weight...  about 6pm Contractions started 15min apart... went to 9min then 6min and BOOM 4min 10sec apart!  *Hospital Bound* about 11:30pm
Contractions still about 4min apart, 4cm dilated ( no change after an hour) they send me home about 1:45am.  By 3:45am I'm dying!!  Worse pain of my life... my water kinda broke on my way to the bathroom.... but it was bloody and not clear fluid!  Called dr on way back to the hospital!   I MADE HUBBY RUN EVERY RED LIGHT ( after a quick stop and looking both ways of course ) saying " she's coming baby, I gotta push!! "
We arrive back to hospital, ( yes they looked at me like it was a crazy déjà vu type of moment ).
 As I'm being wheeled towards L&D by the slowest nurse ever, I'm telling him I need to push ( as he's taking his sweet time walking ) soon as I get to L&D the nurse puts me in room, immediately hook me to machine and I'm telling her I need to push ( pain so bad at this point I'm in and out of consciousness/passing out ) Baby's Heart Rate is dropping fast!!  No time for IV... NO DRUGS... Gotta get her out now!!  Dr wasn't even there!! The nurses & hubby helped me deliver my daughter Coral Renee at 4:42am, 11min after getting to the hospital... she was in distress and blue in the face, after a few min of oxygen and suction of lungs she was fine!!
38weeks & 5 days of pregnancy and I delivered my Perfect Peanut
Coral Renee 
12/30/2016 @ 4:42am
5lbs 12oz && 19in