Can we talk about politics?


I'm scared for what is going to happen in the next 4 years with the narcissist in Chief.

Medicaid and social security is being taking out of our paychecks each week to pay for the next generations retirement. Once this generation gets to the age, that will not be there for us. The money they are spending Is not there anymore! Most people 80+ yrs old are having heart surgeries and stay in hospitals for months because they can. Ask them how much that is, they will say, "I have no idea, thank God I have insurance". NO, THANK THE GENERATIONS BELOW YOU.

That's not even the worst part, why are we going back in time and ignoring the knowledge we already know. Trump wants all the busnisses to come back to the USA? You know it's a lot of our fault that China is so polluted? He is completely denying that any of the global warming is true. Republicans are saying it's a hoax? Yeah it sucks, let's just deny it. This world is decent at the moment, don't we want to try to preserve that for your children and grandchildren?

Obama care. I have mixed feelings about this one. Many people lost their jobs and a lot of busnisses cancelled their health care plans because Obama care came out. Along with the minimum wage that was brought up, (a very tiny bit). Obama care does help people, but it also hurt a lot of people to get that way.

And if you don't have any health insurance and get sick or hit by a bus, you have a fee of a couple thousand dollars for just not being able to afford it! How does that make sense?

College. I can't spend any time with family with out getting grilled about this subject. Unfortunately this country is not the same as it was 20 years ago. Honestly I don't see much of a point. It is simply not affordable now. Yes I know you worked just as hard to go to school. Worked full time, went to college and also had an apartment, and other expensives. If you do that now along with car insurance $300 per month, Phone $60, health insurance and pre existing bills from hospitals, food, a one bedroom apartment is around $1,000. Sure you could argue with me that you don't need smart phones. The only reason I have my job is because I have a smartphone. They have apps for me to clock in and out, along with GPS. I'm not going to college until I know exactly what I want. Then again you could argue that no one likes their job, just choose the one that disgusts you the least. But I am not willing to purposely put myself into debt. Also, I know people with degrees that can't find jobs anyways. So back to the retail and food jobs until your career opens up.

Minimum wage. It is still very low. I agree that when a teenager starts off they shouldn't and don't need to be paid $15 per hour at McDonalds. But if you want people to go to college and better themselves, they need to be paid more! Small busniesses that are starting out can't afford to pay people that much.

I was working since I was 14. I never had health insurance as a kid. And my dad lost his job 2008, and hasn't had a solid job since.

I didn't really even live with my dad, I lived with my friends. I would not of been able to work if It wasn't for them. I paid for all of my own food and needs. My dad was not there for that. And Fafsa or whatever for college was denied because my dad didn't have all of his information. Why does it depend on your parents anyways? It's not like they pay for everything you do. If you have a parent that gets paid to much you will be denied grants for college and Obama care. Because apparently they help? UGH

Also, I have a hard time with Christians that love Trump. Christians focus on love for everyone and forgiving. The 10 commandments. How does a Christian love man that is the opposite of their religion. NO trump can't make America great again when he only cares about the rich white folks. I want someone to explain on detail of why they like trump. Has anyone seen his twitter??? Compare his to Bernie Sanders twitter. He doesn't talk about anything other than how "Good of a person he is" and about busniesses. Frankly there is a lot more important things that need to happen besides making the rich, richer.

idk I would like opinions. What do you think about all this. I wish people my age would care more about everything going on.