Seeking advise/opinions/encouragements/success stories

I am currently on cycle day 18 and I took clomid for the 3rd time on cycle days 4-8. This time my doctor upped me to 150mg. My first round with 100 mg clomid, ovulation predictor kits showed that I ovulated on cd 29 (cycle was around 45 days). I had a weeks worth of spotting right before my actual period started. I started my second round of 100 mg on day 5 of my actual normal flow (not the weeks worth of spotting days). I did not get a positive ovulation result that month and my cycle was 30 days. 
So this month, I took it days 4-8 and I had a normal period. On cd 17 (yesterday) I got a positive opk at 7am. My husband and I had sex that night and again in the middle of the night. Now today is cd 18, I plan on having sex again tonight and tomorrow....really hoping for a positive this month.
Any advise or tips would be helpful!! Thank you all ☺