My Heart Breaks For Her

Devon • She loved three things - a good joke, a glass of wine, & a handsome man.
And all the other women who are stuck in an abusive relationship. 
This was my best friend for years! She moved to go to a really nice college, then everything just went down hill. She dropped out of school after she met this guy & it's been hell. I contacted her sister to see if she had heard anything. She said she had to go to the hospital one time, & it was obvious her BF had been hitting her. When all of this first started, I tried talking some sense into her & I yelled until I was blue in the face, but nothing worked. I realize that she has to do this because she wants to. Still, it breaks my heart. I pray for her all the time, that she will find the strength I know she has in her to leave him & to start over.