I want my husband to leave...

I want to leave my husband. But we live with my parents. He won't leave. My parents won't make him leave. I have nowhere else to go bc I'm 40 weeks pregnant and I'm not working right now. I told him I want him to leave. I've asked him to leave nicely. I've tried being firm. I told my parents how unhappy I am but they just roll their eyes and don't help and tell me to stop...I feel like I'm forced to stay in this unhappy situation and I don't know what to do. He has no family either. He's only 21 and got kicked out of his house when he was 17. I just really want to be happy again and I know I can't be with him. What do I do ? Also I know this is my fault too. We met online 3 years ago. He came across the country to live with me bc he had nowhere else to go. We ended up getting married but I knew in my gut it was wrong but I just hoped that maybe it was nerves. It's not nerves. This whole situation is wrong. I just feel bad for my child that he has to be in this situation. We tried counseling and it didn't help. When we conceived our baby I was on the pill. I know I could put my child up for adoption but my husband was in the system and was raped and abused even after he got adopted so I really don't want that for my child. I'm so sad. There's no right answer.