annoyed with old friend

I have this old friend I've known since I was a kid. We lost touch in high school though- not to say we never ever saw each other but we weren't close by any means. We took very different paths in life, which is fine, but come as adults, we are very different people. However, she has a two year old daughter and mine is 9 months old and we were first friends, and that does count for something when you are now neighbors. That being said, I find her to be rude sometimes- she is very blunt, which I am too, but she will drop comments on my appearance or my clothing and they aren't always positive, which, to me, if you don't have anything nice to say, just be quiet- why you gotta tell me you don't like my bag? Like who cares, don't buy one like it then. 
Anyway. She recently split from her child's dad but she seems to be doing well as she left him. She told me about hooking up with other guys before she moved out, and honestly I didn't enjoy hearing about it because I was feeling bad for her ex, but I can see how she's feeling liberated or whatever... anyway today I was going over there to see her new place. I told her I'd be there after baby's nap. well baby didn't want to nap so I packed her up and started to go over there. As I'm going out the door, she texts me not to forget something she left here. I tell her no problem, I've got it and I'm on my way. I get there 5 minutes later and she's not there. I ring, I call, I knock, I text... nothing. It's friggin -15 degrees Celsius, which I don't know what that is in Fahrenheit but its damn cold and in with my baby outside like what the fuck. I end up going home after 15 minutes and I'm honestly kinda worried. Like where is she? Is she ok? So I get home and she calls. And her tone is like she's annoyed. She doesn't apologize. She says she was at the store, she thought baby was napping even though I told her I was coming... so she's questioning me How long was I wAiting? Still no apology and a tone like what's the matter with you? 
So she ends up saying Well come back. And I'm like Nah man, honestly bed time is in a couple hours and I just got back, I don't wanna get baby all bundled up again and se didn't nap. And she's like What? It's 4 o'clock? Again, all annoyed with me. 
So at this point, and with our history where I feel she needs to butt the fuck out, I say I know what time it is Sasha, you do your thing and I'll do mine. 
So we left things a little sour and I really don't like that but it's a while now I kind of bite my tongue around her.  
Anyway do you think I'm overreacting to be annoyed?