Diet and exercise after baby?

Before I became pregnant I weighed 301 pounds and lost a little over 50 pounds. When I discovered I was in fact pregnant I weighted 247 pounds. I am almost at my due date and have only gained a total of six pounds during the entire pregnancy. I really want to lose more weight and attempt to get to my goal weight of 190 before next fall. My question is how long should I wait after having my baby to get back to it? I was using a low carb diet with a combination of tennis (because I love tennis) as excercise. I was happy with the results I had before but wanted to lose more weight and now my confidence has taken a huge blow because I know my body will not look the same after the baby is born. My husband and I used to have sex all the time and since becoming pregnant it's been less and less causing me to lose even more confidence because we both have or had really high sex drives(I still do). I just want to feel attractive again and maybe catch his eye and make him want me like he used to again. Please no negative comments I'm just looking for advice. I feel like he's not attracted to me anymore and it's killing what little bit of confidence I had built up.