Baby STILL hasn't engaged.

I'm officially 41 weeks today and as of Tuesday, baby still hasn't engaged! I have an appointment on Monday and I am hoping all of my efforts on my birthing ball and with walking will pay off. If not, I am looking at a potentially arduous induction and potential c-section. 😞 I am so torn between waiting until the end of the week and desperately wanting him out. I am dreading an induction but I need some sort of reassurance - dilation, engagement, anything. 
As of Tuesday, my cervix was posterior, soft and closed. Baby was at a -4 station. I am hoping for dilation or engagement - anything that will give me a little hope that my body is progressing or that induction won't be a failure.
I am feeling so much pressure from everyone else, including my husband, to make a decision and it just isn't an easy one to make - nor one I can make for anyone else's convenience. 😕 Spontaneous labor is anything but convenient; why should my induction be convenient for anyone else but myself and my child?
I just want to skip to the baby part. 😭