Am I wrong? What do yall think???

We have been together for 11 years and married for 6. for the last 4 years we have been Ttc I have had every test and ultrasound done to check me, my hormone levels and eggs. I also had 2 obgyns to make sure every thing was good. The only thing they both asked for him to take the sperm analysis and he has never done it in 4 years and often mentions we need a surrogate or adoption .i get pissed cause I'm like nothing is wrong with me so why would we need someone else? I WANT MY OWN BABY!!! The last 3 times I've mentioned the sperm analysis he get more pissed than the time before and says I'm blaming him and all I'm saying we need to eliminate you it's the easy part. it brings me to tears but about a year ago when we were talking he flat out told me HE DON'T WANT KIDS AT ALL I was angry for weeks like dude your wasting my time!!! if you would have told me this in the beginning we wouldn't be married. Honestly I think he KNOWS he can't have kids but don't want to let me go... this married life is getting boring with out kids. BTW last year we got a puppy and quickly she turned into my dog..I'm not dumb or blind the dog was a distraction to stop me from crying and talking about babies. .

This year I've started school and now I don't want to be pregnant until after graduation. And when I told him we need to be carefull he acted shocked and sadden like really we not trying anymore?

My final decision is to give him this full year I'm in school to get the test done. After graduation we will try again but if he doesn't get that test done I'm out, then I can go sperm bank hunting and have a baby before 40.

What do yall think?

Am I wrong?