Anyone else feeling alone in this?

Does anyone else feel like their SO is not "invested" as you want them to be in their pregnancy? As I am extremely high risk he comes with me to doctors appointments, but he never has any questions, never tries to learn about my pregnancy and risks or what will happen when I go into labor. When I've encouraged him to read a book or any information about pregnancy (specifically the labor process) or about fatherhood in general, he has literally said "Stop being pessimistic--we just learn as we go, why do you want me to learn now?" Like--I'm really sorry that I don't want to try to figure out LABOR and how YOU can help me while I'm actively IN labor. I guess I just feel like he is offering minimal support and like I'm alone in this due to his lack of even TRYING to be interested in my pregnancy, labor/birth and even other things like making sure family isn't sick and is vaccinated before coming to see the baby when he's first born.
He's said that me wanting to learn about all of this is me being pessimistic and thinking only about the negative--I literally had to tell him yesterday that just because you choose to ignore and don't try to learn doesn't mean these things aren't out there-- I would rather learn as much as I can to be prepared, especially when it has to deal with a tiny human coming out of my hoo-ha. 😒😒😩 I haven't asked him for anything during this pregnancy--even last night when he said he was going to the store, I asked him to pick me up something with sugar in it as we had nothing in the house (being a type 1 diabetic ive been having super low and dangerous blood sugars b/c of the pregnancy) AND HE COMPLAINED. Like bruh, you were already going to the store. And then the kicker is...he didn't even go because I asked him to get me something! 😩
Sorry for the rant--just wondering if anyone else feels fearful to give birth and become a parent or that they're in this alone even though there SO is "there".