ppd and disrespectful bf...

Not sure where to post this. I'm dealing with ppd and my bf is well aware of it. I feel like going back to my old life and regretting our child. Of course I know this is not me and that I will overcome those nasty thoughts. But while i do that, I've been crying non stop and basically staying in bed 24/7. Last night I finally got the courage to go out as a family to the store to distract myself a little bit. While we were there, I noticed a woman looking at me with pity, like she felt bad for me. So I start looking around and I notice my bf staring, not looking, staring and following another girl that was there. I tried so hard not to, but I completely lost my composure and began crying. I felt so humiliated because a couple of people noticed what he was doing. He says he doesn't know what I'm talking about and that it's just in my head. I know what I saw. Now on top of the ppd I feel unwanted and disrespected. Not the life I had hoped for. 
Would you leave someone in this situation? It would happen a lot before baby but I thought it would stop. I wouldn't mind him looking at other women but staring and following them around with other people noticing is so humiliating. I can't deal with this and the ppd. I feel I would be more at peace if I left or died.