Birth Story


A little late but here goes....

I had my doctors appointment on 1/4/17. My doctor had checked me and I was 3.5 cm dialated easily could be stretched to a 4 is what she had said. I had been having contractions prior and had been sent home a few night before for progressing too slowly. Well satisfied by what she saw she decided that she would induce me the next day at 7:30 am. Me and my mother were excited beings to say that this meant me and my baby would spend two weeks together before I go back to school.

Well after leaving her office I felt weird. Contractions were coming every 10 minutes apart which was making me think she did another stretch and sweep. I could barely sleep that night and it had me thinking that I was actually going to go into labor before my induction. Well finally managed to sleep and at 6:45 in the morning I was told that my induction had to be moved due to women coming in in labor. I was upset but these contractions didn't calm down so I figured they would be seeing me real soon.

Well my mom thought it would be better for me to just go to the hospital and walk around until they called me or my contractions got closer together. I was hell bent on picking up last minute things from babies r us five minutes away finally got my mom to take me and while I was there I was called back to the hospital to start my induction.

We came in and I was hooked up. The contractions still happening they were five to six minutes apart and when they checked me I was a strong 5 cm possibly a 5.5. So with that they contacted my doctor and decided to just start the pitocin. This was at 9:45 am. Contra tions were fine weren't ever too unbearable they were the right duration just not the right frequency. My pitocin kept being upped until it was at a 12.

Eventually when contractions came I had to focus on the ceiling and rock my hips in bed. My mother picked up on this and asked me if there was pressure. I had agreed that it was time for me to get a nurse in to check me because I just knew by the difference that I had hit the transitional phase. The nurse came in and checked me and told me it was my bag and that I was 10 cm. I couldn't push because my doctor wasn't there yet.

The urge was there but I could hold off. They brought another doctor in to stand by just in case my water broke. They were so surprised I wasn't screaming, in fact the doctor thought I had an epidural until he saw my legs moving. Finally the doctor shows, she tried breaking my water and it was so unsuccessful, 4 tries in she had to have me push THEN it broke. Immediately after it was go time, four pushes later she was out crying. They told me she had been pushed out so quickly it sent her into a state of shock so she needed oxygen.

She was fine though and about five minutes later she was on my chest. My doctor had decided that I could come back after five years to have another baby with her because I was the best patient she ever had. Apparently I was made to have babies.

Introducing little Maya Zarola Aahoteph El-Bey, born at 4:29 pm, 7lbs 13oz 20 inches long natural birth.